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Sheki Khans Summer Palace

It is a real pleasure to visit the oldest city in Azerbaijan. In ancient times, silk was sold there, which made Sheki famous among merchants who traveled along the Great Silk Road. Modern city is full of attractions, including a good historical museum. However, the jewel in the crown of town is the Khan's Summer Palace, with its beautiful facades built of brick, River and Oak stones and decorated with floral patterns. Inside, the palace fascinates even more. In its six halls there are beautiful frescoes painted by a talented master; some of them depict flowers, while others depict hunting or battle scenes.


In addition, two beautiful mirrored balconies, rich Venetian glass trims of rare colors and exquisite paintings with colorful images of birds and animals ensure that this place does not disappoint tourists.

The first floor of this palace gives an overview of the Khan's wealth and power, because frescoes on the walls depicting animals and hunting are generally considered symbols of the nobility. In ancient times, the palace was surrounded by beautiful gardens, although only two large trees have survived to our days.

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